Saturday, August 29, 2009

...I am 5 days over due.

I thought for sure that I would be going early, but I guess not. This baby seems to be really stuborn about coming out into the world.

The nice thing is that I have been able to do a lot of stuff I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do this week...fair and Twins game tonight for Eric and Aimee's bachelor/ette party.

I am being induced on Sunday night (only about a day and a half from now), which I am looking forward to, but not at the same time. I really hope the baby decides to start coming before the induction, so that I can have less intervention, but it is also nice to have an ending in sight.

Come on Baby Regal! We want to meet you!

...I was able to go to the fair this year.

We have family friends in town this week (Linda, Lanie and Al) and now my uncle, Dale, just showed up yesterday. Last year, Linda and Lanie were visiting us and I talked about the State Fair and how it is one of the best things about Minnesota (which in my opinion it is :) ).

Anyway, they decided they were going to make another trip to MN and bring Al along to see this fair. I was really worried that I wasn't going to be able to join them when they went to the fair this year and I really don't think they believed me 100% about some of the things I told them, but they do now!

Well, they do now!! We went to the fair on opening day and had a blast! They seemed to get a huge kick out of all the people, food, animals and such. They didn't even get to see everything, so they will be returning (without me) next week.

I was there from about 11:30 am until about 6 pm. It was A LOT of walking, but nice. I was really hoping all the walking would help bring Baby Regal into the world a little faster, but so far no luck.

I ate THE BEST thing I ever ate at the fair too. It is the deep friend banana split. It was awesome!! It is located at Ole and Lena's cart right across from the beer garden and in front of the horse barn...just down from the midway. Everyone should give it a try.

I am so glad I was able to go to the fair this year, especially with our special guests who travelled here especially. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...I passed my due date.

My due date was Aug. 24th and today is Aug. 25th (well technically it is Aug. 26th as I write this, but the 25th is over). I had been hoping to give birth to the baby early, but it didn't happen.

As of my doctor's appointment on Aug. 24th at about 10 am, I was 1-2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I have to reach 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Effaced means "ripened". Dr. McEllistrem will induce me the night of Sunday, Aug. 30th (Dave's Dad's birthday) if I do not go into labor on my own this week.

I am glad to have an end in sight. I am really looking forward to meeting the baby, but I am getting impatient. Everyone keeps texting, calling or emailing me and asking me if the baby is here yet. It is getting annoying! I keep thinking (and I said it to Dave)...seriously if I had the baby you would isn't like I am going to give birth and run away without telling anyone.

Anyway, just thought a little update would be nice.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

...I have a crib in my house.

Today, Dave and I put together the baby's crib. It was a lot easier than I expected, although, I didn't do much. Here are some photos of the process.

Here is dad-to-be getting ready to get started.
Dave is getting started. He is even reading the directions!
Leg one is on and ready to go.

I even helped a little with the construction. But mostly, I read the directions and supervised. :)
Dad did a GREAT job putting the crib together! It looks awesome!
Now it is the mom-to-be's turn to work on the crib. I think I got the easy job...just laundry and decoration. :)
The final product! Now, all we need is the baby!! Hopefully, he/she will make his/her entrance into the world VERY soon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

...I am 1 cm dialated

I can't wait for this baby to come so that we can meet him or her! I found out that I am 1 cm dialated today. The doctor is not worried about the baby being too big, which is great!! Next week, if I haven't had the baby, the doctor is going to scrap my membranes to help speed up the process.

Come on baby!! Time to come and meet Mom and Dad!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

...I had ANOTHER ultrasound!

While I LOVE having them, it is crazy how many I have had with this pregnancy; at least I think it is crazy. Let's see...

1. 12 weeks - we couldn't hear the heartbeat at our first appointment
2. 18 weeks - we were in a car accident - had the u.s. at the hospital e.r.
3. 20 weeks - the normal u.s. that you have where the tech measures everything to make sure all is going well.
4. 22 weeks - doctor wanted to help me to feel the movements and thought if I saw the baby move then maybe I would feel it too. (I didn't feel the movement until later that night.)
5. 24 weeks - my placenta was laying low, so they wanted to see if it would move hadn't by this appointment.
6. 32 weeks - checked the placenta placement again and it finally moved up!!
7. 36 weeks - nurse midwife (I think she was) couldn't tell the position of the baby, so she wanted to check if the head was down and how big the baby was measuring.

So, we had this last ultrasound on 7/31/09 and the baby is head down (awesome!) and is measuring approximently 6.5 pounds. I was 36 weeks and 4 days along and the baby was measuring 37 weeks, so just a couple days farther along. Tech thinks that if I could all the way to 40 weeks, the baby could be about 8.5 pounds, which isn't too bad. She said the baby has a lot of hair and will have long legs.

The only stinky thing about this ultrasound is that the baby is getting so big that he/she doesn't have a lot of room, so his/her hands were in front of the face and we weren't able to get any more photos. Oh well! It was still fun to see the baby again!

I can't believe there are only a few weeks left until we get to meet this baby and find out if we have a son or daughter!!